Top GOP Hill aides head to exits

Several House Republican senior policy aides have transitioned to K Street, including top policy adviser Brett Loper to American Express and, more recently, Will Kinzel to Delta Air Lines.

Other House leadership aides exiting include: Kyle Nevins, deputy chief of staff to Majority Leader Eric Cantor, to Capitol Counsel; Steve Pinkos, general counsel and policy director to Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, to American Continental Group; and House Republican Conference Chief of Staff Dee Buchanan to Ogilvy Government Relations.

Dee Buchanan, a longtime aide to Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), said he left after working on major political issues like the supercommittee and the controversial Troubled Asset Relief Program.

“Jeb is always someone who encourages staff to find their own professional self identity,” Buchanan said. “With the experience I gained through all those challenges — political and policy challenges over the last 10 years — I want to work with clients engaging in the next decade worth of public policy.”