As the United States Latino population and Latino representation in Congress continue to grow, the influence of this community is increasingly important in Washington. During the past six years, we have seen the Congressional Hispanic Caucus transition into a more moderate organization with particular focus on the business community, its interest in Hispanics generally and the increasing purchasing power of U.S. Latinos. Additionally, we have seen many Hispanic legislators earn seniority on powerful congressional committees.
Ogilvy’s domestic and multinational corporate client roster rely upon our accomplished Ogilvy Hispanic Influence team to help navigate this special constituency and develop relationships with this community on Capitol Hill. They have successfully positioned clients in the pharmaceutical, financial services, defense and technology sectors and developed advocacy campaigns tailored to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and its members.
The Ogilvy Hispanic Influence Team:
Dean Aguillen – As the director of Member Services for former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Aguillen served as her primary advisors on matters pertaining to members of Congress and worked closely to maintain Congressional relationship with many governments in Latin America. He currently serves as a board member of the Congressional Hispanic Institute and was previously named as one of the top 100 Most Influential Hispanics in the United States by Hispanic Business Magazine.
Moses Mercado – With experience at the highest levels of Congress and national politics, Mercado has established himself as a powerful force among Washington’s political elite. Mercado’s vast experience working with international corporations and business friendly Democrats allow him to make a convincing case for our clients. Mercado has been recognized for seven years as one of The Hills Top Lobbyists and as a “Power Player” by Latino Magazine.
Karissa Willhite – As Senator Menendez’s professional right hand for nearly 15 years, Willhite is uniquely suited to work closely with the only Senator in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.