While all of our principals possess reach into congressional leadership operations, Ogilvy Government Relations houses a quartet of former leadership staff who help our clients successfully position themselves and their advocacy campaigns with bipartisan, bicameral leadership strategies. Our clients benefit from our ability to develop successful strategies that identify key leverage points based upon the political environment and use those to our clients’ advantage.

Dean Aguillen – When House Democratic Members needed help under Speaker Pelosi’s leadership, they called on Aguillen, Pelosi’s member services director. Aguillen’s ability to identify “on-the-rise” legislators puts our clients in a position to build successful short and long term advocacy campaigns.

Moses Mercado – As an aide to former House Democrat Leader Gephardt, Mercado designed and executed leadership strategies and managed floor activities for House Democrats. Mercado utilizes that experience to help companies and trade associations build successful advocacy campaigns.

Karissa Willhite – Serving as one of Senator Menendez’s most trusted advisors for nearly 15 years, Willhite developed experience supporting his leadership of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, as well as his Chairmanship of the House Democratic Caucus.